Long-Range Transportation Plan
Palouse 2040 Regional Transportation Plan
The Palouse Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a multimodal long range plan that establishes the strategic framework for meeting the PRTPO’s current and future transportation needs.
The policy Board Adopted the most recent plan in March of 2018. The plan is developed through extensive coordination with affected agencies and public input, the RTP provides a “tool box” to facilitate cooperation and maximize resources to jointly select high-priority transportation projects and programs for regional funding and implementation through out the region.
Palouse RTP 2040 Sections
- Executive Summary
- Introduction of the Palouse RTPO
- Prepartion of the Palouse 2040 Plan and Public Involvement
- Relationship to Other Activities, Studies and Plans
- Correlation of Regional and Statewide Policy Goals
- Regional Transportation Improvements & Programs
- Region’s Key Issues
- Region Wide Infrastructures and Modes of Transportations
- Pavement Maintenance and Preservation
- Safety and Roadway Geometrics
- Palouse 2040 Discussions and Strategies
- Palouse 2040 Projects
- Regional Transportation Plan Implementation
- Financial Plan and Resources
Plan Appendices
- Appendix A: PRTPO Board and TAC Members
- Appendix B: Meeting Flyers
- Appendix C: Public Meeting Material
- Appendix D and D1: Public Comments during the Process
- Appendix E: Regionally Significant Roadways
- Appendix F: Future Planning Studies for Other issues
- Appendix G: Detailed Pavement Maintenance and Preservation Cost for cities
- Appendix H: Detailed Pavement Maintenance and Preservation Cost for counties
- Appendix I: Gravel Roadway to BST Conversion Estimates
- Appendix J: Expected 24 Years Revenue
- Appendix K- Palouse RTPO Funded Transportation Alternative Projects (TAP)
- Appendix L: Regional Transportation Improvement Program (2018-2023)